Monday 7 November 2016

Google Home Device Fact Check

Google home is a smart voice activator device designed and built by Google. This brilliant device works as a personal assistance for your home.

It can be used to play music, get answers from Google, retrieve information about your flight, set alarms, timer and give traffic information in real time and enable you to use voice to control your smart devices at home, which is available on the new Google Pixel phone

In my personal opinion, it is targeted to business working class people that multitask and want to get quick answers to questions especially when you are busy doing something else. Google home can help moms go get relevant information while they are busy in the kitchen using their hands. The device can help business people and can also be used in a social gathering where relevant information is needed instantly. I see this device as a future for business as it can be used for business meetings to quickly sort out basic and relevant information that is needed instantly from Google.

The device is been activated by saying "Ok Google"

Another important information about this device is that it can answer follow up questions. For instance one can say: Ok Google, what is Facebook? and after saying the answer out loud it. It can be asked a follow-up question like; Who is the founder? and it will give the right answer. Thus showing a high level of understanding of human behavior and an improve Artifical Intelligence development by Google.

One obvious drawback of this device is its failure to set reminders. For instance, other device like Amazon Echo can be used to set remind: by saying Alexa remind me to by eggs tomorrow at 4pm. The device will reply with "I added buy eggs tomorrow at 4pm to your To-Do-List. However when the same question is as on Google home response was "Sorry I can't set reminders here. That was heartbreaking for such a smart device from Google. Click here to watch the video

Fact Check
Google call this device a personal assistant but fails to perform a simple reminder task

With the current version of Google home, if you want to do more with setting reminders; appointments, meetings from your calendar getting the Amazon Echo is a better choice compare to the Google Home.However, if you are more interested in getting answers to questions or finding useful information and engaging in long conversation with the device then the Google home will be more suitable for you.


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